Motorcycle racing isn’t dead in the USA

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The monstrous MotoAmerica Twins Cup grid at Barber Motorsports Park, 2019
Photo by : Sara Chappell Photos

Motorcycle racing is only dead for the dooms-dayers. Motorcycle racing is only dead for the nay-sayers. Motorcycle racing is only dead for those who lack faith in our racing community. Motorcycle racing is only dead to the “fans” who complain about the quality of racing, the quality of broadcast, and the quality of the premier sanctioning body…

I hate to tell all you negative, whiney, good for nothing “fans” of motorcycle racing; Motorcycle racing isn’t dead in the USA. Motorcycle racing isn’t dead to the increasing number of viewers for MotoAmerica competition. Motorcycle racing isn’t dead for the thousands of us who renew our licenses every year. For the thousands of us who spend thousands of dollars every season. It isn’t dead to the family and friends of the racers. Racing isn’t dead for me and it shouldn’t be dead to you.

The biggest problem with racing in the United States, are those who keep saying it’s dead. Do you know why it’s dead to them? Because it’s not 1996 or 2002. Because there aren’t 10 factory teams. Because two strokes were better. Because the economy sucks. Because kids don’t play outside. To simply put, they are living in the past. Guess what? Racing is never going to be like it was in 1996. Why? Last time I checked it’s currently 2019 going on 2020. What about this world is the same now? Stop living in the past, stop talking smack on every little detail of today’s racing because it’s not what racing use to be or what you think it should be. Every second you spend talking about how racing isn’t what it use to be, you’re hurting it. You are hurting the sport you claim to be a fan of.

Stop comparing racing in the USA to racing in Europe. Stop comparing MotoAmerica Superbike to MotoGP. Stop complaining about boring racing. How about instead of trying to burn it to the ground when it’s done nothing wrong to you; you support it. Take this passion you claim to have, and put it to good use. Start helping.

Start attending the races, sign up for the TV package, and talk positive of racing to your fellow fans, friends and family. Ask the bartender to put on the Supercross race. Throw a viewing party for the MotoGP. Try to get some non fans into fans. Help a racer out. Help a family out who is new to racing and needs a hand. Bring excitement to the sport instead of this constant negative aura

Encourage the sport to grow. Encourage outsiders to want to join our community. Encourage the current racers to feel good about what we’re doing. Encourage sponsors to want to help and stay. Encourage yourself to LOVE MOTORCYCLE RACING.

Motorcycle racing is not dead in the United States, you just have to let it live on.

2019 MotoAmerica Twins Cup Champion – Alex Dumas

Photo By: Sara Chappell Photos

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