Tagged: SV650


MotoAmerica Twins : Parrish vs Madama

I asked MotoAmerica Twins Cup championship rivals Chris Parrish and Jason Madam the same set of questions. Here they are side by side. They were each asked to supply a photo of them competing...


Pagani SV650 Based Race Bikes

Possibly the coolest SV based bike I have ever seen. Pagani Corse’s SP1 uses a SV650 motor housed in a custom fortress, swingarm, and just about everything else. http://www.paganicorse.it/corse_moto_modena/moto Pagani also created the gorgeous...


SV650 Custom Built Frame Madness

The French built Sv650 Veloce Tucson. PDF Article on the french build(not in english) Ben Probt’s custom frame sv650 which is punched out with 88mm pistons and a billet stroker crank. The vinci team,...